On May 2nd 2020, ESSCO established a COVID-19 Taskforce to combat issues faced by engineering students in Ontario and find ways that ESSCO can support the broader community during this health crisis.
Here are some mandates that the COVID-19 Taskforce is currently working on:

An ESSCO Working Group has been formed to research and monitor the changes being made to engineering teaching practices across Ontario
At the end of the year, the Working Group will make recommendations to the Engineering Deans of Ontario

Several of our university members have reached out with concerns that their faculties are enforcing the use of proctor software that invades student privacy, and requests
A letter will be sent to the Engineering Deans of Ontario (EDO) to address these concerns

VP Academics from various engineering societies were brought together to discuss strategies best practices when advocating for their own students
A round-table discussion about hosting social events in an online setting was hosted to support our member societies as they accommodate for social distancing

- A patch competition was held to raise money for Food Banks Canada
- The competition opened June 24th and closed on July 15th
- Patches will be available for purchase soon. Stay updated on the status by following us on instagram @esscontario
We’re always looking for ways we can better serve our community, so if you have suggestions for the Taskforce, email the ESSCO president Alexa Bautista at president@essco.ca
Public Health guidelines and opening statuses vary by region, so ensure that you are looking to your local health authority for detailed information.
For more information click here