Last month, for National Engineering Month, the University of Waterloo’s Engineering Society B was lucky enough to participate in a Food Drive organized by ESSCO in association with FeedON. The idea was to collect as much food and as many monetary donations as possible and try to collect more than all the other participating engineering schools. To accomplish this, our EngSoc decided to combine the Food Drive with another initiative within the Region of Waterloo called Canstruction.

The Canstruction competition is one that UWaterloo’s Engineering Society has been involved with for a number of years now, and 2019 was no different. Months of deliberation, planning, and budgeting culminated in the construction of a quaint Pac-Man scene laid out on a field designed to look like a PCB. The spirit of the design was that sometimes we feel like we’re trapped in this game of life, particularly when faced with obstacles like hunger, but through co-operation, especially as our world becomes more connected through technology, we can end hunger for more (and eventually all) people.
Our Canstruction team composed of 10 engineering students who got to try their hands at impromptu construction using only cans and tape. The entire structure made use of 402 cans, and with the extras, a total of 415 were donated to the KW Food Bank. We are honoured to have been a part of two great initiatives during National Engineering Month that helped address such a major and universal problem.