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First Year Integration Conference 2019

From February 1st — 3rd 2019, ESSCO hosted the 2019 First Year Integration Conference (FYIC) at Laurentian University in Sudbury Ontario (Chairs: Joel & Moe, Laurentian University 4th Year). The conference consisted of an insightful first year stream of sessions to develop professional skills, network, and introduce incoming students to engineering. There was another stream of sessions for the Ontario schools’ Vice President Externals where motions were written, and various imposing topics were discussed in regards to engineering in Ontario.

As a potential Co-Chair for the upcoming 2019 First Year Integration Conference, with Santiago Vera (ESSCO VP Finance & Administration), I learned a lot and will definitely mimic some of the insightful programming that this year’s conference had for its attendees.

Many informative sessions included presentations from Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO), the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers (OSPE), the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES), EngiQueers Canada, various Vice President Externals, etc. on how to get the most of your engineering student and professional career.

The banquet saw Jamie West, Sudbury’s MPP, give a thoughtful presentation on the importance of engineers in politics a gave a chance to the students to network among each other.

To finish off the conference, a plenary session was held with all of the ESSCO member schools in attendance from all across Ontario where many agenda items and important topics were discussed and voted upon in regards to engineering students in the province.

Overall this was a very successful conference and lots was learned. I hope to emulate many parts of it for this year’s First Year Integration Conference and hope to give all students in attendance the same immersive, beneficial experience!


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